The doom scrolling habit is something I picked up during lockdown covid days.

I look back at all that free time I wasted and use that feeling to stop myself from doing it again.

I’ll scroll for a bit now but like you it’s just to get a feel for what’s trending etc.

One tip that helps me (it sounds crazy) but I actually count how many main scrolls I do. 10 is the max.

Once I hit that I have to complete an action like create a piece of content myself or make notes at what Iv learnt from what Iv just scrolled through.

Once I start that action it usually leads to me doing more productive things or at least something that’s a lot better for the mind.

Hopefully someone else can use that tip to help them while doing scrolling :)

Sorry for the long comment but thanks NFT GOD for another great newsletter.

Can’t wait for the next 1% club content.

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"Scrolling with no purpose, or ‘doom scrolling,’ is the binge drinking of dopamine hits. Your brain gets stuck in a vortex of synthetic satisfaction."

^^^ This is exactly why I am so Anti-Tik Tok, most everyone on that platform turns into a zombie.

Can't wait for the 1% discord server LFG!

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I like these tips especially about things to do in the morning

Morning habits are the most important thing to start the day

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Great tips on anxiety. I find it all too easy to slip out of healthy habits. Constant reminders are key.🙌

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