love this alex!! i’m working on a personal piece now. i hope i hit send

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Great advice as always, Alex.

Much of my content is personal, but it's also positive, which I feel is a detriment to playing the social media game. Our brains are hardwired to seek out negativity because that's what's help our species propagate and thrive...we're not too interested in the "good" stuff, so perhaps positive is boring in a different sense.

Regardless, I will plod onward trying to be an example of doing good and staying positive. If at least one person appreciates it, the effort has been worth it!

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Thanks man.

...that part you said if your text to your best friend is more lively than your content then you're doing it wrong.

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Thanks Alex - this was a good wake up call.

Stop worrying about pissing someone off. Not sure if I have but I haven't been as strident as I could be

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This was great!

I especially enjoyed the part about being bold. I feel like nowadays we walk around eggshells when it comes to sharing content. In which everything offends people, and many don't like hearing the harsh truth. I really like that approach, it's very different indeed compared to the robotic message that's usually spread. And a lot of the time people need to hear the harsh truth in hopes it serves as a wake-up call.

I'll definitely use this approach, as I was very hesitant being raw and bold would get the message through. But I'll keep in mind that, as you mentioned, there will be people who won't like it, but there will be those who do.

Thank you!

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