Happy Thursday everyone! Welcome to the first edition of the rebranded ‘1% Better’ newsletter by NFT God. It’s been a year since I started sending out newsletters under NFT God and it’s been by far the best year of my life thanks to you guys. As you might have seen Sunday I’m making some big changes for 2023. I’m completely leaning into the ‘1% Better Every Day’ mindset for my brand. I constantly get feedback that the personal growth content is the most valuable, so I’m going all in. I’ll be building out this ‘1% Better’ umbrella in a lot of ways. I’m doubling down on all of this growth content. Video, podcast, short form written, and other types of content will be my main focus for the upcoming year. Everything you’re used to will remain unchanged including the newsletter, tweets, and threads, but I’ll just be adding a whole lot more growth content on top of it.
One big thing I’m launching this week is the 1% Club. By far the best part about creating content the last year has been the community that has formed naturally. A group of people focused on building a growth mindset has naturally formed around a lot of my content. And for that reason I really want to take that community to the next level.
The 1% club will be the first official formation of a community around my content. Every week I’ll be sending out bonus content to the 1% Club. This could be in the form of short form videos explaining how to craft a powerful tweet, an ebook on how to write a thread, a short audio clip on how to be more productive, and many other types of growth focused content I’ll be sending directly to your inbox. I’ll also be launching a Discord shortly. I want to have a central place for this community to interact with each other and myself. The Discord will be an amazing home base for the 1% Club to hang out during the day, discuss growth strategies, and just push each other to get 1% better ever damn day.
This is a community 100% built around pushing each other to grow as creators, investors, technologists, and overall human beings.
Building this community is a culmination of everything I’ve been putting together for the past year. All the content I’ve created and relationships I’ve built led to this point. For the past year everything I’ve created has been completely free. And everything you’re used to reading will remain completely free. The 1% Club is my first premium tier of content. I had a couple options when it came to building this tier. I could make it token gated and release an NFT and ask people to spend thousands of dollars and turn this into a financial instrument. I decided against that. I think an NFT with a volatile price would distract from my vision. Instead I’m going with a small subscription model. For 5 bucks a month you’ll get all the bonus content on a weekly basis, future access to the Discord when it launches, and any other future benefits and opportunities I roll out.
Again, I want to reassure you everything you’re used to at this point will remain unchanged and free. This is just a new community I’m forming based around this concept of getting 1% Better Every Day. I’m so grateful for the love and support everyone reading this newsletter has provided me over the last year and I absolutely cannot wait for what’s coming next. If you’re looking to join a community of people with growth mindsets, want more content on building a platform and brand, or just want to interact daily with like minded people, I’d highly recommend joining the 1% Club by clicking the button below. First bonus pieces of content coming this weekend.
Quick breakdown of the benefits
- Weekly newsletter just as you’re used to
1% CLUB:
- Bonus videos, podcasts, and blogs with content and personal growth tips throughout the week straight to your inbox
- Access to the upcoming 1% Club Discord. A home base for the community I’ve been building for the past year. Everyone in the 1% Club plus myself will be in there all day chatting about ways we can all grow together.
- All the above plus a quarterly Zoom call AMA
- Special role in Discord
4️⃣ 1% Club: Content Coming Up This Week
5️⃣ Favorite Replies
Interested in sponsoring a newsletter and getting your project in front of 12,000+ Web 3, technology, and self improvement enthusiasts? Reach out to nftgod@nftgod.gives.
Latest Twitter Thread:

SPONSORED: Bulls & Apes
An NFT project that rewards the holders of other projects too
Bulls & Apes Project has just launched a new initiative that will change the NFT space and help all of us realize the potential of web3. They have launched Community Tokenization, an initiative that looks to build community the web3 way by rewarding holders of other projects with B.A.P. Methane, their erc20 token. This exciting initiative removes gatekeepers and intermediaries by leveraging the public nature of the blockchain to bring thriving communities together.
Bulls & Apes Project has a proven track record of delivering continuous value to the B.A.P. community. You can check out the massive list of Accomplishments to see for yourself. B.A.P. is providing massive value during this extended bear market including a floor price more than 3x from mint.
Bulls & Apes Project is just getting started, don’t miss out on B.A.P. updates, sign up for their Premium Alpha Alerts today.
1% Better Every Day: How to Gain 75k Followers in Under a Year
In honor of the 1 year anniversary of my Twitter/Newsletter, I want to quickly go over the exact playbook I used to build up this account. I’ve long preached that building an audience, specifically on Twitter, is one of the most high leverage actions you can possibly take. A Twitter audience is so high leverage because the exposure you can achieve with very little action is unmatched by any other media platform.
In 10 seconds you can type out a sentence, press send, and have millions of people read it in an hour. You can’t do this on any other platform. Youtube takes hours and thousands of dollars of equipment to film video. Podcasts take the same amount of time plus similar cost in equipment. I’ve 100% focused on building my Twitter audience this last year because all I needed was my smart phone and the Twitter app. 15 minutes a day I wrote tweets and now I have an incredible platform. This is LEVERAGE.
This isn’t rocket science, I truly believe anyone can pull this off. I’m no more talented than anyone reading this newsletter. I just created a strategy and leaned all the way in.
Here was my exact playbook and lessons learned over the last 12 life changing months:
Quality Over Quantity
This is the basis of my entire platform. When I looked around the landscape of Twitter a year ago I noticed one commonality, 99% of people trying to build an audience tweet 100 times a day in order to farm engagement. They send out whatever is on their mind and hope it sticks. The resulting content gets lost in the desert of boring content that is a vast majority of Twitter
In order to stand out you need to be different. You need to be the 1% that operates separately from the pack. I decided to only limit myself to 2 tweets a day (not including replies). I would spend time each night dedicated to writing and scheduling the 2 most powerful, impactful, valuable tweets I could craft.
For 6 months these tweets got barely any attention. But the attention I was getting was unique. People were replying that the tweets truly were valuable to them. So I doubled down and I stuck with this strategy.
What does it mean to make a quality tweet? I’ll get more into each of these shortly:
1. Provide value
2. Clean, clear writing
3. Punchy
4. Actionable
Spend 15 minutes a night writing your tweets for the next day. Focus completely on writing the highest quality tweets possible based on your niche. By time blocking you can focus more on creating quality. If you just tweet off the cuff during the day you risk creating content based on impulse, which is a lot more likely to be low quality or outside your brand.
Provide Value
If you want to not only build a platform, but attract like minded individuals to you, you need to provide value. How do you provide value? You share a unique perspective in an interesting, digestible format. When I was looking at Twitter a year ago, I realized 99% of accounts just spammed, trolled, and engagement farmed. 0 value. When I had no audience my strategy for providing value was simple. I’d read a personal growth book for 30 minutes a night, take notes, turn them into tweets, then share them out.
You don’t need to be a genius to provide value. Curating information is an incredibly powerful way to provide value. 90% of my content was just curating value because I made sure all of my inputs were feeding me helpful information. My brand is self improvement, so I curated self improvement information. Based on your brand you need to consume and curate high quality content related to your niche. The better the inputs, the better the ouputs.
Purchase a book on self improvement. I always recommend “How to Win Friends and Influence People” but I also highly recommend ‘Atomic Habits’, ‘Richer, Wiser, Happier’, and ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’. As you read take notes in a notebook. Once you’ve finished the book go back into your notes and turn some of them into tweets. Over the course of a week tweet two of them out a day.
What you’ve done now is curate value from other sources and provided it back to your audience. This has been a large part of my strategy to get to this point and an easy way to become a value provider.
Create Viral Content
Here’s something that took me 6 months to figure out. From December of last year to June I grew from 0 to 5000 followers. Then when I discovered virality, my growth exploded to 15k overnight in June. On June 27th I wrote a thread on Dune Analytics that got 9.2k likes. It was my first viral piece of content. Got me to 1000 subscribers on my newsletter and 15k followers. I was writing threads weekly at that point, but I was writing them in a way where they read like a novel. This Dune thread I formatted specifically for readability. And it was a hit. I doubled down on this for every thread I wrote from that point on and kept getting similar results. Here’s what I learned:
Threads perform well. Well written threads perform GREAT
Formatting and readability is everything
Make every single sentence impactful
Provide value to the reader
If you can combine those 4 things together, you have the recipe for a viral piece of content on Twitter.
First, up your writing game. Here are 3 writing books that have heavily influenced me:
Pick up a book on writing and level up your writing game. Twitter is a writing platform. You can’t be successful unless you’re a skilled writer.
Next, practice writing threads. I’ve been writing 2 a week for a year now. Don’t think too hard about it, just start writing. It’ll be incredible practice for you. The art of writing a thread is honestly a skill you need to practice.
Lastly, don’t release any content that doesn’t match the 4 criteria I listed earlier. Make every single piece of content you release have high virality. If you release stinkers your audience will skip the tweet, making it more likely your tweets don’t show up on their timeline anymore.
Prepare for the Next Step
When I started my Twitter account in December I also started this newsletter. I first had it on Constant Contact, then moved it to Revue, and finally settled on Substack (Substack has been by far the best). I had under 10 subscribers for months, but I was still writing a weekly newsletter. I knew my next step after Twitter was going to be a newsletter. I just love long form writing.
Thank God I did this, because as my Twitter got popular I was able to funnel people to my newsletter. On top of that I got excellent practice in writing newsletters, so now that I have an audience of over 12,000 on here, the quality of my content is already at a higher level. Building my newsletter side by side with my Twitter, even when I had 0 audience was by far the best decision I’ve made in my content career.
Create high value Twitter content → Link to your secondary platform at the end
This is the most powerful funnel in all of social media.
Pick another platform you want to build on. What are your passions? Into video? Start a Youtube or Tik Tok. Into writing? Sign up for Substack. It doesn’t matter that you have low viewership, keep creating content on that 2nd platform. As you grow on your main platform, push people over to your secondary. You’ll have the benefit of already getting practice on that other platform plus you’ll be decentralized and not dependent on one single algorithm.
Use Tools to Make Things Easier
Using tools and data along side my Twitter growth journey has made life so much easier. Using the right tools will save you incredible amounts of time and accelerate your growth. Here’s my tech stack (link in the bolded name of the tool):
Hypefury : This is my favorite tool I use by far. I’ve tried every single Twitter publishing tool there is on the market. This is the one I’ve enjoyed using the most and has saved me the largest amount of time. I schedule all of my tweets and threads through Hypefury. The capabilities to pre select daily posting times and automatically slot new tweets into those times is a god send. They also give you decent analytics and cool inspiration tools for coming up with new content. It’s 15 dollars a month but saves me hundreds of dollars in personal time to make up for it. Well worth the price.
Notion: My second brain. This is where I store and draft literally all of my ideas. Create a Kanban board and dump all your ideas in here when you come up with them.
Google Sheets: I’ve created a database of all my tweets in Google Sheets. This is great for reviewing past content and coming up with new ideas.
1% Club: Content Coming Up This Week
To kick off the 1% Club this week I have 2 pieces of content coming:
First, I have a quick blog post on thread writing best practices. Expect this in your inbox later this weekend.
Then later in the week I’ll be sending out a video on the power of journaling and break down the templates I use
For ALL 1% Better readers a bonus blog is coming up this weekend as well on the state of gaming in Web 3. I look forward to creating more long form think pieces in the future too.
A Closing Note
This week was a special one for me. A culmination of a full year of work. I honestly believe the community reading my newsletter is some of the most ambitious, intelligent, talented people on the internet. The emails, replies, and DM’s I get from you blow me away on a consistent basis. It has been a tremendous honor creating content that you are willing to take time out of your day to consume.
2023 will be a year of discomfort. I plan on pushing myself and you, my community to new levels. As I start crafting new forms of content I hope not only to teach, but also learn side by side with you as I start tackling new mediums.
Here’s to another year of getting just a little better every day.
Replies of the Week
Thank you so much to everyone who’s replied to my tweets or emailed me this week! Look forward to hearing from more of you soon! Next week we get back to our standard newsletter format with self improvement tips and some tech news. Take care and have an excellent weekend!

Warmest CONGRATULATIONS to You for 1 Year Anniversary and to us that have the opportunity to take part of Your inspiration!
Looking forward to the 1% ”Club”🙏🏼🎉✨
Hoping I can go down in history as the paid member! So much value here.