We are the 1% Club

We are a community of creators, builders, investors, and technologists looking to push each other forward in every area of life.

Our mindset is built around the concept of “1% Better Every Day”.

Whether it’s daily habits, creating, coding, reading, writing, or making the world a better place, our growth mindset drives us.

Why Subscribe?

My free weekly newsletter, delivered to your inbox on Thursdays, is focused on this 1% Better Every Day concept. I’ll include a couple tips on self improvement, content creation, audience growth, and overall well being. I also have a section dedicated to tech news and my take on the space. As a life long technologist, coder, and investor I’m always looking for new, interesting angles to take.

Why Join the 1% Club?

The 1% Club is the premium tier of 1% Better. On top of the free weekly newsletter you get bonus content throughout the week. I’ll record videos and audio clips, write new posts, and forward along interesting information and content that will help you be a better creator, builder, and investor.

You also get access to the 1% Club Discord. This is the hub for the 1% Club. The Discord home base is where we discuss new ways to grow, new investment strategies, and support each other as we go on our growth journey. Want to build a growth mindset? Join us by subscribing below!


- Weekly newsletter on personal growth and technology

1% CLUB:

- Bonus videos, podcasts, and blogs with content and personal growth tips throughout the week straight to your inbox

- Access to the 1% Club Discord. A home base for the community I’ve been building for the past year. Everyone in the 1% Club plus myself is in there all day chatting about ways we can all grow together.


- All the above plus a quarterly Zoom call AMA

- Special role in Discord

Subscribe to 1% Better

We are a community of creators, builders, investors, and technologists looking to push each other forward in every area of life. Valuable weekly tips on how to build a growth mindset. 1% Better Every Day


Weekly content on how to improve little by little every single day. Personal growth, technology, investing, and how they all tie together. 21,000+ subscribed to my free newsletter. 1% better every day.